Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Drama, drama, drama

After all the dust settled, Sheena decided to stay at the school.

Here's a summary of what happened:
Sheena, the other Korean teachers, and the administration were at school until about 9:30 last Thursday night working out the problem. The Korean teachers were upset because the administration was not supporting Sheena, Sheena was clearly because of "Matthew's" mother, and the administration was trying to please the customer while holding on to one of their most valued teachers. I'm not sure what exactly was said to who or by who but it was quite tense when we left work and we still didn't know what to expect Friday morning when we got to work. Would someone be fired, did people quit, would we loose one of our students?

It was eerily quite Friday morning when I got to work. Usually by the time we get there, there are at least 3 or 4 other Korean teachers there and many show up shortly after. Not this day. All the lights were off and no one was to be seen. It took about 10-15 minutes for teachers to start showing up, but no sign of Sheena. This was worry some for me because usually she is one of the first ones to work. 8:30 turned into 8:50 and then 9:15, still no Sheena. Finally, at about 9:20 she came!! I was overjoyed! I was so glad she stood her ground and didn't let the administration change the way she teaches.

"Matthew" on the other hand no longer goes to our school. His mother requested he switch classes but our administration decided it was either he stay in Bristol or he leave the school, they decided to leave the school. And good riddance to him!

Although this was a real problem and Sheena was blamed for things she never did, the whole thing was just a bunch of drama! I will never understand this culture.

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