Thursday, June 3, 2010

Balancing Act

Every aspect of life is a balancing act. Although I knew this before moving to Korea, I have learned it even more so being here. We all work and we all play, but it's finding the appropriate balance within the two and between the two.

I knew working at a private school in Korea was going to be a lot of work. We have school all year around, we work long hours, and we don't get "personal days" like back home. We don't have summer vacation or spring break. There is no Memorial Day or MEA. If we get a three day weekend, it is cherished and savored. That being said, when we are at work, we work hard. Teaching 5-7 year olds for 5hours a day is tiring and can be frustrating. Add on our after school three days a week and our teaching patience is tested to the limit every week. We are asked by our administration to properly balance our work and patience, but we are not given that same work load balance from our administrators. As this year has gone on, we are expected to do more and more, without receiving an understanding from those above us about how to balance teaching and other obligations. I understand that life here is much different than life at home, but I feel as if we are expected to respect every aspect of the Korean culture but we are not shown the same respect or understanding about our culture. Helen Doron's sense of balance needs some major adjusting.

As stated above, we work hard, and because we work so hard, we also play hard. As the oldest teacher here, I have not been as wild as the other teachers thus far on my adventure. Many times, the other teachers have stayed out until 5 or 6 in the morning. Not only does it just not sound fun to me, but I just don't know how they do it!! I'm tired by midnight and lucky to make it to 2am!! But this past weekend, I lived the life of the "younger ones." Saturday morning started like so many other Saturday's have since I've been here, up at 6am to run a marathon. After the race I came home, ate some food, watched a movie, and then we decided to go out. It started innocent enough, at our local bar, Pub 210. It was going to be a low key nigh, just a few drinks then home by midnight. Somehow that planned changed drastically. Long story short, I was awake for almost 24 hours!! Throw in running a marathon that day and needless to say, I was exhausted!! Don't get me wrong, I had a great time but there is NO WAY I could do that every weekend, or even every other weekend. It has taken me the entire week to catch up on sleep! As much as I want to try to be 23 again, the calendar doesn't lie, I will be 28 in 6 days!! And boy do I feel it being here!

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