Friday, March 18, 2011

A new Katie Teacher

Like many things with kids, the trouble and drama that was the twin girls, passed as quickly as it came. The next day both girls were okay and have since been fine. Now Utah class on the other had, has been exhausting, frustrating, and down right difficult.

It has been a long two weeks trying to implement strict discipline in the classroom and it's been hard. I made it known from the first day that I mean business and I haven't backed off. It is hard being a strict teacher, I don't like it. With my other class, Colorado, I don't have to be so strict and stern, I can have fun and joke around with them, but they aren't ready to kill each other at the drop of a hat.

I don't know what it is about the Utah class, they just know how to push each others buttons, and in turn, my buttons. For example, during Treasures class they will be sitting at their tables with their books open and a worksheet next to them. Now, the table aren't huge so their books and papers will touch each other and when that happens, it's as if World War Three just broke out. They freak out and yell at their friend and say, "Katie Teacher, Sally is touching my book!! And she didn't say sorry!!!" Really! Then just move your book so it's not touching hers! But then, Sally will purposely move her book closer so it touches the other person's book. And this goes on all day. They also can't seem to understand the idea of listening while others are talking. I realize they are 7 years old and they have attention spans of ants but when my other class is completely capable of sitting still and listening to directions for 4 minutes, I expect it in my other class as well. They just can't seem to listen or stay in their chairs. I have had to implement a rule that they have to ask to stand up, because if I didn't, they would be up walking around, looking out the window, and counting their stickers on their sticker boards, if there were no such rule.

I know they are kids and I know they shouldn't have to sit through 40 minute lessons without a break but they can be so out of control sometimes. I do feel like they are starting to understand how the rules go with me and I do believe they can become better at listening but it will take some time. And in that time, I might lose my mind!!!!


  1. Hopefully you will not lose your mind Kates! Hang in there. Good to hear an update of how things are going.

  2. The problem is... most adults can't really understand the idea of listening when others are talking. At least where I work!
