Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dana came to visit....and brought my brother!

Dana, my best friend from childhood, had planned on visiting me in Korea before I even left. Once I got here, she started looking at a good time to come visit. We decided on the end of September because I knew I had four days off of work and I could spend a lot of time with her. By April, she had her plane ticket booked and she was set to arrive Friday, September 17th and leave Saturday, September 25th. Little did I know Luke had been talking to her while her and I were planning her visit and they booked their flight together. Somehow, they kept if a secret from not only me, but our entire family for 6 months! I can't put into words how surprised and excited I was when I saw him walk through the doors of baggage claim. But before that happen......

....I went to pick Dana up from the airport Friday night and I was so excited to see my best friend! I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas to come. I was so giddy I couldn't control myself. I got to the airport and her plane had already landed so I hurried to baggage claim to see my friend. I waited impatiently for about 20 mins and then I saw her. I couldn't control my reaction and I ran to her and hugged her so hard. I was already crying and couldn't breath or talk. We hugged and she backed away from me and said she had to wait for her friend. I said, "Your friend?" And she said, "Yeah, I sat next to this guy on the plane ride over here and I said I would wait for him after baggage claim." I was like, Okay that's cool, "where's he from?" And she said, "Chicago." We waited there for a few seconds then the doors from baggage claim opened. It felt like it took my brain hours to process who was walking in the doors. I saw his sweatpants and sweatshirt and I thought to myself, 'I know that sweatshirt, I know those sweatpants' then it all clicked in my brain, it was Luke!!! It felt like a dream. I thought he was going to turn around and leave! I couldn't stop crying. I was sobbing. But so excited to have my brother here, with me, for a whole week.

Details on the week to come....

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