No, I'm not pregnant, but Sheena is. She is due is February so she is about 4 1/2 months along. I couldn't be happier for her since she has been trying to get pregnant for a couple years now. She has waited to tell the moms of our kids for some personal reasons. Since she is starting to show, she decided now was a good time to tell the moms. She had to call all of them and tell them she was pregnant and that she will be leaving in February for one month. Now, when I heard Sheena was pregnant I was so happy! I congratulated her because that's what you do when someone is going to have a baby. I thought this was a universal reaction to pregnancy, well at least wanted pregnancies. Apparently that's not the case in Korea. As Sheena told the moms of our Leeds class, their reaction was not that of joy and happiness but almost of resentment and anger. One of the mom's response was, "I really hope this doesn't negatively effect your teaching". What!?!? That's what you say to a woman who is going to have a child!? I just don't get it! Not only were they acting upset that she is pregnant but they were offended she waited so long to tell them she is pregnant. I guess "personal life" means nothing to these people! Not when you pay as much as these moms do to send their kids to Helen Doron!
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